Membership & Fee Details

  • There is only 1 type of membership here. It is valid for period of 2 years
  • The fee Rs.4,000/- for all people
  • Doctors and Abroad matches Rs.5,500/-
  • Fee will not be refundable under any circumstances
  • Fee can be paid through cash in our Matrimony Yadava office. And keep receipt with you. Tell the details whenever asked.
  • You can also pay fee through cheque, but service starts only after realization of the cheque.
  • You can also pay fee in bank below details

    P. Venkat Reddy
    State Bank of India,
    A/C No: 10021522496,
    IFSC Code: SBIN0002772,
    Padmaraonagar Branch,

  • Pay Now
  • Always remember your user id and password, your emails are your user ids mostly.
  • Once you become paid member, we study your profile and suggest matches. Meanwhile you can also search and select your favorite matches.

Once you pay the fee here, you not worry much. The main responsibility will be with us. We will be convincing other party to some extent the ultimate decision will be you both parties. Fees is very important in running matrimony services. Fees is the blood of the organization. Most of the fee collected will be spent back on various advertisements to collect data. Most people do not understand the expenses incurred by matrimony service. Many people hesitate in paying fee, They think of saving money. The bride and groom of such parents suffer a lot. Time will be wasted. Chance of getting children will come down as the lady gets older. By the time they get older the children should be settled. Members who become paid members try seriously consider every match carefully. We give top priority to paid members and their requirements. We make special ads in different ways if requirement not found. We also have links with almost 600 marriage bureaus located urban and rural areas through out Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

Once the match is fixed, you are ready to spend lakhs of rupees just for arrangements. But actually this selection process is very important the crucial point. Giving time and making appropriate decision is worth a lot to make your family happiness.